Spark your creativity at Far East Malls

At Far East Organization, we believe that art enriches the public landscape, inspires and connects. This belief is and will be translated into the seamless integration of visually stunning artworks in the public spaces of developments. 

Founded by Mr Ng Teng Fong, Far East Organization seeks to build enduring relationships and businesses that thrive to strengthen Singapore’s economic prosperity. Therefore, in support of all things local, a large part of the art collection is in fact by local artists. 

Perfectly capturing the history of local areas and the spirit of a community, these local artists' creative and original works of art often mirror Singapore’s social and economic progress whilst remaining deeply rooted in our rich local traditions.

Apart from our strong beliefs in curating and sharing interactive artwork with the masses, the Singapore government’s incentive scheme introduced in 2005 similarly helped propel the organization into its first foray in acquiring and commissioning public artworks on an extensive scale. 

Treat yourselves to not just coffee and shopping but also a visual spectacle when you visit any Far East Malls. Have fun hunting for the multiple pieces of artwork located within our malls on your next visit! 

Can you spot them all? Fret not if you can’t! We’ll be revealing the locations of some of the best pieces of art so keep scrolling to uncover those hidden gems. 


Orchard Central

Let's go to a Paradise of Glarious Tulips by Yayoi Kusama


This bright and playful polka dotted creation presents a fantastical and whimsical orchard reminiscent of the plantations on old Orchard Road. Colourful polka dotted wild tulips grow out of the concrete ground, accompanied by the Ohayo girl and her dogs.

This gloriously interactive piece of work graces a beautiful sky garden atop Orchard Central, making this a wonderful place for shoppers to relax.


The art piece underwent restoration at Kusama Studio in Japan in May 2022 to ensure meticulous maintenance of the sculpture. The restoration process was carefully carried out with utmost attention to detail to preserve the art piece's value and integrity and will be back at Orchard Central in Q3 2023. Regular restoration work is crucial to ensure the continuous upkeep and preservation of this valuable artwork. 


Cloud Prototype No 1 by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle


Built in 2003, spot this sculpture whenever you’re in town to get on cloud nine! 

Based on an actual cumulo-nimbus (or supercell) thundercloud modelled by the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois in the United States, this dreamy structure is made entirely out of fibreglass and titanium alloy foil.

Acting as a metaphor for the complex effects of globalisation on today’s existing cultural and political climate, the cloud prototype is an apt representation that reflects a myriad of climatic events, as well as the fluidity of environmental changes.

Discover the process of crafting this abstract art piece here

Located at: Orchard Central Level, 4 Atrium Void 

D.88 Istana Park by Gary Carsley 


Paying homage to the wide variety of flora and fauna in Singapore, Carsley chose to work with prints taken from the flora in Istana Park. 

Plastered across the roof and walls of Orchard Central’s side entrance gateway, the digitally printed image on adhesive polyester is deliberately calibrated to the perfect intensity for a unique experience akin to a movement in space, transporting shoppers up into a virtual canopy.

Located at: Orchard Central, Level 1 (Side Entrance) 


Nutmeg Grove by Michele Righetti 


Aptly named after its inspiration, the nutmeg seed, this eye-catching sculpture designed by Italian born artist Michele Righetti delights with its bright red hues and striated patterns. 

Commissioned by Orchard Central to celebrate its heritage and history of Orchard Road which derived its name from the nutmeg, pepper and fruit orchards that used to lie on either side of the street in the 1840s, this contemporary artwork is a sculpture purely made up of hand forged stainless steel coated with car paint. 

Located at: Orchard Central, Level 1 (near taxi stand) 


Tall Girl by Inges Idee

Living up to her name, Tall Girl is an extremely stretched and distorted perspective figure that stands tall at an impressive height of 20 metres. 

Created with reference to the unique spatial and architectonic features of Orchard Central, this playful sculpture consists of toy-like details that play with perspective and distortion. 

A visually stunning spectacle to behold, this art piece is almost level with the building and offers different but equally incredible views from various angles. 

Read more here

Located at: Orchard Central, Level 1 Discovery Walk 

The Stair, The Clouds and The Sky by Victor Tan 


Weaving stainless steel wires and rods together to capture the different moments of people walking, running, jumping and kicking, this inspiring sculpture is a great background for your Instagram OOTDs. 

Located at: Orchard Central, Level 12 Roof Garden


Far East Square

Intergalactic Dreams by Jahan Loh 


A fresh interpretation of modern street art on aged-old buildings, and a creative fusion of East meets West and Old meets New, this colourful mural painted by Loh brings a breath of fresh air to the facade along China Street. 

Featuring futuristic landscapes, the artwork is inspired by Chinese blue and white porcelain as well as scenic paintings that date back to the Yuan Dynasty and enhanced by western elements such as Loh’s spaceman. 

Take a detour and drop by Far East Square for a glimpse of this vibrant art!

Located at: Far East Square, Facade along China Street 


School Time Memories by Lim Leong Seng 


A bronze artwork that depicts a scene from the early days of Singapore, School Time Memories features three school children donned in traditional Chinese clothing playing Chapteh. 

A favourite past time that many children indulged in after school during the olden days, Chapteh is a traditional game favoured by many in Asia and Southeast Asia where players kept a weighted shuttlecock in the air using their feet or other parts of the body except for the hands, and could be made simply and cheaply by attaching feathers to a rubber sole.  

Reminisce the good old days when you pop by to appreciate this sculpture! 

Located at: Far East Square, Near Pavilion 


Street Hawker by Lee Yun Hong 


Constructed in 1999, this detailed bronze sculpture gives viewers a glimpse of the lives of the early immigrants in Singapore. The star of this sculpture is undoubtedly the “tick-tock man”. A street hawker that uses a bamboo stick to tap a hardwood rock, his arrival on any street was always heard before he was seen. The rhythmical thumping of the stick on the rock produced a “tick-tock-tick-tock” melody to announce his arrival. 

Till today, the “tick-tock man’s” homemade noodles with fish balls is a yummy local dish that remains popular. 

Located at: Far East Square, Fuk Tai Chi Museum


Woods Square

BloomerLove by Edwin Cheong 

Standing proud and tall at an impressive height of 5.5 metres, this fully stainless steel sculpture conceptualised and created by artist Edwin Chong is an interactive visual spectacle that inspires viewers to seek renewal daily and stands as a daily reminder to live each day afresh.

Comprising a cluster of three blooming trees, the trunks of the trees are fashioned using bountiful rain clouds. A mesmerising kinetic installation that amazes with perpetually spinning elements, take a moment and revel in the beauty of its movements, shadows and reflections representing flowers in constant bloom.  

Located at: Woods Square Tower 2, Courtyard 


I Have Seen The Future by Jahan Loh 


A quirky name for an innovative artwork, this Spaceman sculpture is deep in reflexive thought, sitting on a floating cloud as he gazes at the cosmos.

I Have Seen The Future is a stainless steel sculpture that imagines the cosmic forces in harmony. Just as how planets are pulled together in orbit by the sun, the balance between nature and mankind needs to be restored to bring harmony in our ecosystems.

This thought provoking piece is created with the purpose of urging viewers to be more mindful of the part they play in ensuring the longevity of the fragile ecosystem. 

Located at: Woods Square Tower 1 Courtyard  

Browse through our diverse art collection here or visit Far East Malls to experience and be inspired by them up close!