Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. How do I earn SFE$?
  • 2. What is the minimum spend required to earn SFE$? 
  • 3. After I’ve registered for a membership account, can I still submit my past receipts? 
  • 4. Can I combine my receipts to meet the minimum spending to earn SFE$?
  • 5. When will the SFE$ be credited into my account?
  • 6. What is the grace period for submission of receipts?
  • 7. How do I submit my receipts to earn SFE$?
  • 8. How many receipts can I submit per day?
  • 9. Why can’t I submit multiple receipts at the same time?
  • 10. What is the point allocation system for shopFarEast Rewards?
  • 11. What is the maximum number of shopFarEast dollars (SFE$) that I can earn within a day?
  • 12. Which receipts can I submit?
  • 13. What information should be in the receipt images?
  • 14. Can I submit hand-written receipts?
  • 15. My receipts are too long to be captured as 1 full image. What should I do?
  • 16. If I have receipts that are given to me, can I submit them to earn points?
  • 17. Can I earn shopFarEast dollars (SFE$) for my past receipts?
  • 18. Can my family/friend submit the same receipt as me?
  • 19. Are SFE$ transferable or exchangeable for cash?
  • 20. How can I check my SFE$ balance?
  • 21. If I have rejected receipts and would like to appeal, what should I do?
  • 22. What is the expiry date for the shopFarEast dollars (SFE$) earned?
  • 1. I forgot my login details. How do I reset my password?
  • 2. I am unable to register or log into my account. Why is this happening?
  • 3. What can I find in my wallet?
  • 4. How can I be updated on the status of my receipt(s) submission?
  • 5. Where can I check my account activities such as SFE$ and vouchers utilisation?
  • 6. I have lost my receipt. Can you still award my SFE$?
  • 7. Why are my receipts declined by the system?
  • 8. I have problems submitting the receipts. Who can I contact?
  • 9. Who should I contact if I require more information?